Format tab

On the Format tab you can select the card ID source and control the format used when a card ID is inserted in the keyboard buffer.

Format page

Card ID source on the Format tab lets you select a source of ID information. This defaults to the Card Serial Number (UID). If you select HID iClass / Prox  or HID iClass / Prox / Mobile ID, then Read‑a‑Card will try to read this data, rather than UID. The data obtained will only be valid if your reader can read those credentials. Choose a Read‑a‑Card plug‑in to decode any other type of ID .

Some plug‑ins will require further configuration before they can be used. There is more information about Using Read-a-Card plug‑ins in the Appendices.

UID lets you choose the output format for UIDs. This can be Hex Standard, Hex Reversed, Decimal Standard (32 or 64 bit) or Decimal Reversed (32 or 64 bit).

Note: Be aware you could accidentally truncate data if you pick the wrong UID option, for instance a DESFire 56bit card will need the 64bit option, not 32bit.

If you choose HID iClass / Prox or HID iClass / Prox / Mobile ID as your Card ID source, the iClass / Prox dropdown menu lets you select either the specific HID data format for your cards or ‘Auto’. (Although ‘Auto’ may not be able to distinguish between all card formats in all cases). Select 'Raw data (Hex)' if you just want to examine the format.

Select Select icon Omit facility/site code from HID iClass/Prox card IDs, if it is not required in your application.

The Keyboard Prefix and Keyboard Suffix dropdown menus let you add extra characters to the keyboard buffer, either before or after each card is presented.

Choosing Select icon Advanced Keyboard Format allows you to create a single keyboard format template. Using insert codes you can create any combination of reader ID, card type, card ID, card CSN/UID. You can also include ordinary characters and a variety of key presses. (The Help icon button provides a reminder of Advanced Keyboard Format insert codes).